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Your donation for our worldwide projects

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Bank donations

Ena (Switzerland)
Josefstrasse 34, 8005 Zurich

Bank: PostFinance AG
IBAN: CH49 0900 0000 8004 3143 0

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About us

Effective emergency aid and development cooperation

As an aid organization, we enable life-changing perspectives worldwide through uncomplicated help that works. To this end, we are involved in both short and medium-term emergency aid as well as long-term development cooperation. Based on mutual respect and understanding of the respective needs, we are primarily active in the areas of livelihoods, education, health and peace. The responsible and effective use of the donations entrusted to us is confirmed by the Zewo seal of approval and our commitment to the standards of the CHS Alliance.

"I have been a staunch supporter of ena for over 20 years. My money gets through and gives people the opportunity to help themselves, which has a positive impact on them and their environment and creates new prospects."

Susanne Ryser, donor/permanent donor