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Enable new perspectives

Take action by making our humanitarian projects your cause. Whether as an individual, company, foundation, or legacy donor.

Hunger crisis in Sudan and South Sudan

In one of the most severe current hunger crisis, millions of people are fleeing from an extremely violent civil war. They often have to get through the day with just a few sips of dirty water. With our emergency aid, we provide families in the particularly affected border region between Sudan and South Sudan with the most basic necessities.


Make the most possible happen with every donation.

150,385 Participants in international cooperation

By 2023, our projects will not only have reached a total of over 150,000 people, but also their communities.

16,412 studentsin primary and secondary school

Over 16,000 children and young people were able to attend primary or secondary school last year thanks to our projects.

18 years ZEWO seal of approval

Since December 2006, we have held the ZEWO quality seal, which certifies the transparent and effective use of donations.

Donation options

Exactly how you want to act.

Perhaps you want to specifically support people in need or affected by disasters. Maybe a particular country or cause is especially close to your heart. Or you might choose to contribute to the Social Impact Fund, allowing us to use the money where it is most urgently needed and can make the greatest impact. You decide where and how to act with us to create new possibilities.


Personalized and close to meet every need.

Public institutions

Work with an organization that, thanks to years of experience and leading approaches, ensures optimal impact of resources.

Foundations and philanthropy

Support projects that fulfill your foundation's mission, with a focus on your specific needs and personalized guidance.

Churches and youth groups

Experience enrichment through keynote talks and poverty awareness initiatives, and support through collections, recurring donations, or annual contributions.

Businesses and associations

Make an impact beyond your company or association. This works especially well with tailored options that align with your organization's purpose.


Have a greater impact

Estate and legacy planning

Leave a legacy that makes an impact. Through a bequest in your will, a legacy gift, or property inheritance.

Night without a roof

Experience what poverty feels like. "Night Without a Roof" is for youth groups and organizations that want to explore the topic of poverty and share a meaningful experience together.

Possibilitieschange lives

Your donation for our global projects.

Donate possibilities now.

Quality and transparency

Donate effectively.

We carry out our global aid projects not only with great dedication but also with the highest standards of quality and transparency to ensure your donation has the greatest impact. This is confirmed by various certifications, and through the KoGe umbrella organization, ena is accredited with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Learn more
ZEWO logo (your donation in good hands)

ZEWO seal of approval

The most established donation seal of approval in Switzerland guarantees that donations are used transparently and effectively.

sqs logo

ISO 9001:2015

The ISO 9001:2015 certification attests that our aid organization complies with quality and organizational standards and is constantly developing these further.

CHS-Alliance-Member Logo

CHS Alliance

The CHS Alliance defines and monitors its members' compliance with important humanitarian standards worldwide.



Our long-standing cooperation with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of the umbrella organization KoGe ensures that we are a professional partner.


Inspiration from the world of ena.

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