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Public institutions

Your goal is to have the assurance that the money you entrust is handled with care and integrity. Our years of experience working with institutions and our leading approaches in development cooperation provide that assurance.

Picture of the Parliament building in Bern.

Three reasons

Transparent achievement.

Transparent, measurable, long-term impact and trusted quality: these are the qualities that various public institutions such as the federal government, cantons, cities and lottery funds value in us and have therefore supported our projects for many years.
  • Impact

    Measurable success.

    Your aim is to achieve the greatest possible impact with your contribution. This is exactly where we can help you. Our development cooperation and emergency aid projects generate measurable impact in some of the most neglected areas of the world.

  • Quality

    Reliable partner.

    ZEWO seal of approval, ISO certification, CHS Alliance label - they all confirm the quality of our fundraising and use of funds. As a reliable partner in development cooperation, we have received funds from the SDC via the KoGe cooperation association for many years.

  • Dependability

    Trusted partner.

    We are valued as a reliable partner not only in the project countries but also by foundations, companies, and institutions. We keep our word and support you in your important work.

A girl and a man are bending down smiling, in a field in Zambia.

Development cooperation

With a comprehensive view.

We evaluate our development cooperation projects in the areas of livelihoods, education, health, and peace by their lasting impact. To achieve this, we focus on long-term projects that take a comprehensive view of the local population’s living conditions. Long-standing collaboration with well-established local partner organizations, who know the people and circumstances firsthand, has proven to be key to success.

Emergency aid

Quick and straightforward.

Crises and disasters everywhere we look: floods, wars, earthquakes, ethnic cleansing, droughts. Where there is urgent need, we provide quick and straightforward assistance. Together with our international and local partners, we support efforts during emergencies to lay the groundwork for a self-determined future and to strengthen resilience for future crises.


Effortless collaboration.

We have decades of experience not only in working with local partner organizations but also in successful and straightforward collaboration with institutions throughout the entire project duration.
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    Many years of experience.

    We design our proposals and project portfolios to meet your needs. This is made possible by our longstanding partnerships with various public institutions and our strong commitment to service.

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    Sustainable cooperation.

    For financing and project portfolio design, we are part of established cooperative networks. In the field, we rely—following modern approaches to development cooperation—on long-standing local partner organizations, whom we actively support.

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    Transparent reporting.

    Our project reports show things as they are. We don’t sugarcoat the impact; instead, we work continuously and proactively to optimize project setups. Reporting is done in the format, scope, and frequency that suits your needs.

Contact us

Always there for you.

Portrait of Thomas Stahl, CEO

Thomas Stahl

Managing Director, CEO (100%)
Member of the Lead Team


Learn more

Would you like to get to know us better? We have compiled interesting background information and materials for those interested and for media professionals.

Quality and transparency

Donate effectively.

We carry out our global aid projects not only with great dedication but also with the highest standards of quality and transparency to ensure your donation has the greatest impact. This is confirmed by various certifications, and through the KoGe umbrella organization, ena is accredited with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
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ZEWO logo (your donation in good hands)

ZEWO seal of approval

The most established donation seal of approval in Switzerland guarantees that the use of donations at ena is transparent and effective.

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sqs logo

ISO 9001:2015

The ISO 9001:2015 certification attests that our aid organization complies with quality and organizational standards and is constantly developing these further.

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CHS Alliance

The CHS Alliance sets global standards for humanitarian aid and development cooperation and monitors compliance with these standards. ena's CHS certification confirms the quality and accountability of our work.

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Our long-standing cooperation with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of the umbrella organization KoGe ensures that we are a professional partner.

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