Emergency aid
Discover how we provide uncomplicated and fast help worldwide where the need is particularly great - even in regions that are no longer in the news every day.
Discover how we provide uncomplicated and fast help worldwide where the need is particularly great - even in regions that are no longer in the news every day.
Crises, emergencies, disasters wherever we look: Floods, wars, earthquakes, ethnic cleansing, droughts.
While this suffering sometimes seems almost unbearable, it is precisely these people who need our help the most. Women and children are often particularly affected. Together with our international and local partners, they are therefore the focus of our aid - in compliance with international quality standards.
Let us look together, save lives and alleviate suffering.
We set signs of hope in disasters and crises. We do this regardless of whether they occur acutely or are slowly unfolding - whether they are man-made conflicts or natural disasters. Our focus is on saving lives and providing emergency supplies, but also on reconstruction and measures to mitigate the effects of future disasters.
As an agile and quick-witted aid organization, we are quickly on the ground. Because immediate emergency aid is often the most important in crises and disasters.
Our global network of long-standing local partner organizations enables us not only to provide help quickly, but also to tailor it optimally to local needs - and at local wage costs.
We do not forget - in the most positive sense. That's why we stay on the ground when crises and disasters have long since disappeared from the media. Because we are convinced that only if we support people in building a new existence will they be prepared for the future and new crises.
Your donation to the emergency relief fund has maximum impact. This is because we can use it at any time and wherever emergency aid is most urgently needed. It also reduces our administrative costs.
We not only use the emergency relief fund to help in acute emergencies. We also initiate reconstruction and take measures to improve resilience for future emergencies.
With just 1 franc per day or CHF 360 per year, you can make a relevant difference to the lives of people in need. Of course, every permanent donation of a different amount also makes a difference.
"ena also works in places that aren't in the headlines. I think that's great!"
Karin Fritzsche, donor
Urgently needed food and hygiene for refugees.
Food, health care and peacebuilding.
Just CHF 50 is enough for a food parcel for a family and with CHF 600 we provide refugees with drinking water for a month.
Especially because of the many refugees from Myanmar. Whether CHF 50, CHF 100 or more: every franc gives more people access to clean drinking water.
200 families and children at two schools in Yemen learn the importance of hygiene.
Your donation for the emergency relief fund
The most established donation seal of approval in Switzerland guarantees that donations are used transparently and effectively.
The ISO 9001:2015 certification attests that our aid organization complies with quality and organizational standards and is constantly developing these further.
The CHS Alliance defines and monitors its members' compliance with important humanitarian standards worldwide.
Our long-standing cooperation with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of the umbrella organization KoGe ensures that we are a professional partner.
As a relief organization, we provide life-changing opportunities worldwide through effective, straightforward assistance. We are committed to both short- and medium-term emergency aid, as well as long-term development cooperation. Based on mutual respect and an understanding of local needs, we focus primarily on livelihoods, education, health, and peace. The responsible and impactful use of entrusted donations is confirmed by the ZEWO quality seal and our commitment to the standards of the CHS Alliance.